Does the township offer any type of recycling facilities?
We only offer used, light duty truck and passenger car tire recycling (Township residents ONLY). Reach out to your trash haulers to see if they offer that service.
What to do about a tree that has fallen?
If it has fallen on a Township Road, you may call the Township roadcrew 610-944-9177. If it has fallen on a PennDOT road, you must call PennDOT Temple office.
When is a permit required?
If you have any questions regarding permits or what the property is zoned for, you need to contact Kraft Municipal Group 610-777- 1311 Ext. 1
When picking up a permit, can I use a credit card?
NO, payment must be made in cash (exact change) or check, made payable to Richmond Township.
Questions regarding real estate or school taxes?
Any questions regarding ANY taxes need to be directed to the Tax Collector – Norann Warmkessel. The tax collector does not work at the Township building and payments should NOT be dropped off here.
What type of farm animals can I have at my property?
Please reach out to Kraft Municipal Group 610-777-1311 to find out what your property is zoned for and if a permit is required.
What type of farm animals can I have at my property?
Please reach out to Kraft Municipal Group 610-777-1311 to find out what your property is zoned for and if a permit is required.